Unhealthy diet is not the only cause of stomach acidity.
Amazing Research by a Japanese Doctor:
The cause of heartburn is not only irregular diet, but anxiety is the biggest cause of heartburn.
The real cause of high blood pressure is not too much salt in the diet, but lack of control over emotions.
The cause of high blood fat in the human body is not greasy food, but cheap food.
The cause of all breast diseases is not lack of oxygen, but sadness and depression, which make a person suffer from various breast diseases.
Diabetes is not caused by excess glucose in the body, but rather pride and keeping one’s word invite this disease.
Liver diseases are not only caused by lack of sleep and mental stress, but the effects of disappointment and heartbreak are also part of liver diseases.
The cause of heart diseases is not lack of blood, but lack of peace and satisfaction, which is the real cause of heart diseases.
In summary, the causes of these diseases can be divided into the following percentages:
50% spiritual reasons
25% psychological reasons
15% social reasons
10% chemical causes
Therefore, if you want to live a healthy and fit life, protect your heart and mind and avoid jealousy, hatred, anger, pride, laziness, bad words and considering others as inferior.