I started suspecting my wife that the opponents had sent her to kill me.
But as soon as I took my first dose of ice, I felt a joy and energy that I had never felt before. I felt more confident, fearless, and light. In that moment, I felt like I was free from all my worries.
At first, I convinced myself that I would control it. I thought I would only use it occasionally, only when I felt overwhelmed. But the reality was quite the opposite.
The addiction to ice was like a trap that I slowly got caught in. The temporary pleasure I had was soon replaced by anxiety, weakness, and a desire for more. I was no longer the same person I had been. My confidence, my dreams, my relationships—everything was slowly being consumed by this poison.
Here’s the truth I hadn’t understood before: addiction is a delusion that gives temporary pleasure but leads to permanent ruin.
A doctor at a rehabilitation centre told the BBC that this year he had a patient who killed six members of his family while under the influence of ice.
Mian Iftikhar Hussain, a doctor of addiction and mental illness, told the BBC that he had recently seen a patient who broke all his teeth under the influence of ice because he felt as if someone had implanted a sim in his teeth.
He said that a young drug addict was also brought in whose mental state had deteriorated so much that he felt that he was being possessed by jinn and that they were raping him. One patient, who was addicted to ice, had come to suspect that his wife had sent him to kill him by his “unseen enemies”.
Before coming to Hali Markaz, I had been using ice for some time. It had a very strong effect on my mind… If I went out of the house and saw two people talking, I felt as if they were conspiring against me and planning to kill me. If I came home and my wife was talking to my brother or any relative, it seemed like she had something to do with him. My mind just kept thinking wrong things.