Henry Ford: The Power of Thought and the Secret to Success
Henry Ford, one of the world’s first successful businessmen, was known for paying the highest wages to his factory workers. One day a reporter asked him, “Who do you pay the most?”
Ford smiled, picked up his hat and coat, and led the reporter into the production hall of his factory. It was a strange scene—machines were running everywhere, people were running, bells were ringing, and work was in full swing. But amidst all the noise and bustle was a separate cabin.
Ford approached the cabin with the reporter, where a man was lying cross-legged in a comfortable chair, a hat pulled over his face. When Ford rang the doorbell, the man stirred slightly, peeked out from under his hat, and said in a tired voice, “Hello Henry, are you all right?” Ford nodded in the affirmative, closed the door, and walked out.
The journalist watched in surprise. Ford smiled and said, “This person is the highest paid in my company.”
The surprised journalist asked, “What does he do?”
Ford replied, “He doesn’t do anything, he just thinks!” Then explaining further, he said, “This is the most valuable person to me. All the systems and the latest designs of cars in my company are the product of his mind. He lies in a chair all day long, thinks, creates new ideas and sends them to me. I implement them and earn millions.”
Henry Ford told a golden rule, “The most valuable thing in the world is new ideas, and peace of mind and leisure are essential for them. If you are busy all the time, new ideas cannot arise in your mind. Therefore, I have hired this intelligent person only to think and have freed him financially so that he can work on new ideas every day.”
Hearing this, the journalist spontaneously started clapping.
If we also try to understand this insight, we will find that successful people emphasize thinking more and better instead of working more. For example, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, who are among the richest people in the world, prioritize reading and contemplation in their lives. Warren Buffett reads four and a half hours a day, while Bill Gates completes two books a week. These people focus on improving their mental abilities and that is why they are successful.
If you also want to achieve something big in life, do not waste your time on trivial tasks, but keep your mind free so that new and revolutionary ideas can be born. Mental freedom and peace are the real secret of success