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National Disaster Risk Management Fund jobs hiring immediately Staff

National Disaster Risk Management Fund opened multiple jobs hiring immediately staff for their urgent task on contaract basis (A company set up under section 42 of the Companies Act 2017) Making Pakistan Resilient
National Disaster Risk Management Fund (NDRMF) is a government-owned not-for-profit company, established under
Section 42 of the Companies Act 2017. It provides grant financing for projects that contribute to enhancing Pakistan’s
resilience to climatic and other natural hazards and to strengthen the government’s ability to quickly respond to disasters
triggered by natural hazards. NDRMF requires the services of vibrant & qualified professionals for following Islamabad based positions on performance based contract:
Required Qualification & Experience (Detailed TORs available at “Career Section of
Qualification: An Advanced Degree in a suitable discipline of field of study preferably SCM or in Engineering/or Finance.
Assistant Manager-Procurement (One position)
Experience: preferably Four (4) years of experience in management, Including work in the public sector and project Management, (8) Demonstrated experience of working in donor funded projects and managing procurements grants in compliance with MOB and PPRA procedures is required, and (18) Excellent computer skills including MS Office (wond, Excel and PowerPoint)
Assistant Manager-Internal Aud (One position)
Qualification: ICMA (eter)/CA (enter)/ACCA (Qualified) or MBA (Finance) from recognized university
Experience: Preference will be given to candidates who have completed articles from Big Four Chartered Accountant Fem
Internal Audit Coordinator (One position)
Qualification: 14-years of Education in Business Administration, Finance, Commerce or Economics
Experience: () At least 02-years’ relevant experience in a reputable and large public sector or private organization (1) Strong communication skills English () Proficiency in MS office and ofter basic IT Software
Terms & Conditions:
To apply for above positions, maximum Age is fifty-seven (57) years. (4) For detailed TORS & application process Applicants MUST apply ONLINE using an Application Form, available at Career Section” by wing the required credentials on the online application form and attaching scanned copies of their CV, CNC, educational & experience certificates, latest by 15th December 2023 before closing of office hours in 1700 hours. No need to send hardcopy of CV and documents
Incomplete applications and/or applications received after the closing cate & time will not be entertained and no claim whatsoever thereof will be
acceptable (v) Age, Qualification and Experience atc, will be counted from the date of submission of applications. Pat-time, honorary apprentice and intemes positions
will not be considered counted as experience
(v) All candidates must have Higher Education Commission Verified Equivalent Qualifications. Foreign qualifted candidates must submit equivalence
certificates from Higher Education Commission. A selected candidate shall be required to submit HEC Verified Degrees before entering into employment
spon selection
(vi) Candidates shall be required to produce all original documents at the time of interview
(vi Only shortlisted candidates shall be called for test interview her complete scrutiny of applications. For physical test Interview, a candidate must be fully
vaccinated against Covid-18 TADA shall be admissible for test interview. A face to face interaction virtually through audio video, may be opted therefore,
applicants are inquested to ensure that they have provided updated contact details
(v) NORMF offers competitive remuneration and benefits package. Actual appointment salary will be based on NDRMF’s standards and computation, taking
into account the selected individual’s quafications and experience
Candidates already in Government Semi-government Organization Autonomous Bodes & Corporations, should apply through proper channel with NOC of
the respective department issued on its letterhead Also, if such candidate gets selected, she shall be offered the position through contract agreement,
(x) The applications submitted by a candidate will be at the risk and cost of the applicant. Any information found bogus at any stage, during the induction or later
in service, will result in termination of the candidature or employment there
The appoinment will be made subject to fulfilment of all codal legal date for malties
(We are an equal opportunity employer female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply
The Company has the right to defer or cancel the recruitment process of any position, at any stage, without assigning any reason
(Employment NORMF shall be on whole line basis and the selected candidate shall not be allowed to dency o indirectly engage in any other business,
occupation or profession of any kind
National Disaster Risk Management Fund
05th Floor, EOBI House, Service Road South
G-10 Mauve Area, Sector G-10/4, Islamabad
Website: www.ndmtpk Tel: 051-9108300

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پنجاب پولیس میں بھرتی ہونے کے خواہشمند جوانوں کیلئے خوشخبری 2 نفری کی کمی پوری کرنے کیلئے پنجاب پولیس میں 4 ہزار کا نسٹیبلز بھرتی کئے جائیں گے لاہور سمیت پنجاب بھر میں 4 ہزار کا نسٹیبلز کی بھرتی کیلئے الیکشن کمیشن نے اجازت دے دی آئی جی پنجاب نے کا نسٹیبلز کی بھرتی کے لئے حتمی منظوری کی سمری حکومت کو بھجوادی پنجاب بھر میں کانسٹیبلز کی 8 ہزار سیٹیں خالی تھیں جن میں 4 ہزار بھرتی کی اجازت ملی رواں سال کے آغاز پر پولیس میں بھرتی کے سیکنڈ فیز کو منسوخ کر دیا گیا تھا

مجاہد رجمنٹ میں بطور سپاہی شمولیت اختیار کیجئے مادر وطن کے دفاع میں حصہ لیجئے
مجاہد فورس میں مندرجہ ذیل آسامیوں کیلئے مطلوبہ افراد کی ضرورت ہے۔ پاکستان کے خواہشمند مرد شیری حضرات جو کی ضلع رحیم یارخان ، جھونکی، سکھر ، خیر پور اور کشمور سے تعلق رکھتے ہوں اور نیچے دی گئی تعلیمی قابلیت پر اترتے ہوں، اپنے مکمل کا غذات کے ہمر او مورخہ 01 دسمبر سے 02 دسمبر 2023 عمدہ 5003 سیمی ایکٹیوینڈ مجاہد بنالین رحیم یارخان کینٹ چوک بہادر پور میں رجوع
اصلی تعلیمی استاد اور قومی شناختی کارا ( بحر او چار تصدیق شدہ کا یہاں اور کا عدد پاسپورٹ سائز تصاویر
انا لازمی ہے۔
عمر اور جسمانی قابلیت :
عمر 18 سے 25 سال
قد 5 فٹ 14 ی۔
چھاتی – 132 م
کاغذات کی جانچ پڑتال اور طبی معائنہ : 01 دسمبر سے 02 دسمبر تک کیا جائے گا۔
مزید معلومات کیلئے ان نمبرز پر رابطہ کریں 0305-3232402, 0303-4483525