One fact cannot be denied, that less educated people explore more in the online field and are also successful

Glory to God. How are people getting money? Even their educational qualifications are not worth anything.

One fact cannot be denied, that less educated people explore more in the online field and are also successful, but the questions and doubts of more educated people do not end, they only have to come up with arguments, not to do practical work, that is why all the success stories of online earning are of less educated people.


One is YouTube copyright, the other is copy strike…Copyright is for songs and voices, even if it is found, the channel will not be closed…Copy strike comes for stealing content…From where you have stolen the video clip.The owner of this video can claim copying. Due to which your channel can be closed.If the channel is not closed, then you cannot earn from such videos because YouTube gives the earnings of this video to the original owner…I tried many times. If I uploaded a video with different videos, it would get a strike after a few minutes…I don’t know on what basis these people are saying this.Anyway, you can try.

This work must be learned and this is what is happening. Those who are unable to do anything at all should at least do this. It takes time to learn everything, but after learning, you can earn well.

If you haven’t earned a penny online yet, contact us now and earn $5 to $10 dollars daily through your mobile 🤑 WhatsApp number is available for contact.



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