Which animal cannot make any sound?
Answer: Giraffe
Which is the only male animal that gives birth to babies?
Answer: Seahorse
Which fruit contains 25% oxygen?
Answer: Apple
Which bird has the longest lifespan among birds?
Answer: Crow
Which animal cannot jump?
Answer: Elephant
Which is the first country to start newspapers?
Answer: China
What is the thing that we see in others but not in ourselves?
Answer: Mistake
What is the thing that always comes down and never goes up?
Answer: Rain
Which bird does not build its own nest?
Answer: Cuckoo
Which food never spoils?
Answer: Pure honey
Which animal changes its skin like a snake?
Answer: Spider
Which bird has the longest lifespan among birds?
Answer: Crow
Which car is always driven with a helmet?
Interesting information
What is that thing that gets smaller the more you pull it?
Answer: Cigarette
What is that thing that starts flying as soon as it is born?
Answer: Smoke
What is that thing that gets dirty after washing?
Answer: Water
What is that thing in which Pakistan is ahead of America?
Answer: Time
Which part of our body we get after birth?
Answer: Teeth
Which animal cannot jump?
Answer: Elephant
Is that a stone that is not in water?
Answer: The stone of the sea
Which other health has the deepest roots?
Answer: The war fig
Which is the largest industrial city in the world?
Answer: The Ottoman
Which country is called the country of rivers?
Answer: Bangladesh
Which country did the first people in India start from?
Answer: China
Which country is every man and woman educated in?
Answer: In Denmark
Which country’s national symbol is the Bhairava?
Answer: Turkey