So know that you are making the Diabetis snake bigger with your hands every day.
If you keep feeding a snake milk, it will eventually bite you.
Are you also increasing your sugar by feeding it milk in the name of treatment?
If you have diabetes.
And your doctor tells you to eat bran bread or brown rice.
Then know that you are feeding a sugar snake milk.
If your doctor advises you to give up meat and consume processed food.
Then know that you are raising a diabetic snake with your hands every day.
If your doctor is advising you to take medicine for life to control diabetes.
And you are following the doctor’s advice without research.
So instead of killing the diabetic snake, you are making it a snake by feeding it milk.
And this snake damages every organ from your feet, heart, kidneys, liver and finally swallows you.
Diabetes is not actually a hereditary or incurable or continuously growing disease.
Rather, it is a dietary disease.
And with proper diet, you can crush the head of the sugar snake.
Fatih Diabetes Ashraf Chaudhry is an expert in crushing the head of the sugar snake. We train in this very thing in the 90-day challenge.
If you also want to crush your sugar head, then the following
Helpless diabetic patients are the biggest attraction for the sugar mafia
Uncontrolled sugar of diabetic patients is the biggest profit for pharmaceutical companies
For doctors, laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, food companies, diabetic patients are like a hen that lays golden eggs
You will change medicines every month, get tests done but neither sugar will be controlled nor will you be saved from complications of sugar
Sugar does not make you cry, wrong treatment of sugar makes you cry
Sugar kills a person by making him humiliated and poor
Have mercy on yourself, change your diet instead of medicines, otherwise the sugar mafia will scratch you
Sugar is not a headache for life, sugar can be reversed with the help of diet
If the diet is right, then sugar is right!!
Your health is your own responsibility, don’t let it lead to any disability, a disabled person is a burden on the family and society
Take a step towards changing your diet, we will show you the way, Allah will give the result
The 90-day challenge has so far freed thousands of people from the sugar mafia
Season 33 starts from January 31
It is very important for a diabetic patient to know that diabetes is a chronic disease, that is, it is always with him.
The patient can maintain his sugar at the level of normal people with good food, exercise and good treatment.
But he has to work hard all his life.
Just as normal people do not suffer from high sugar even after eating excessively, this cannot happen to you. You have to always take care of your diet to keep the sugar level in the blood regulated.
Now, after hearing the same thing, most patients become sad or disappointed.
All such people should remember that no task is difficult, you train your brain.
Then your brain will stop eating, you will feel full with less food. You will assume walking exercise on yourself.
When you come to a healthy lifestyle and stick to it, you will also control your sugar forever.
Drink more water. Eat a balanced diet, seeds, eggs, meat, yogurt, milk, pulses, chickpeas, beans, vegetables, dry and fresh fruits in adequate quantities, etc.
Always contact a qualified physician for diabetes medicine suggestions
For online consultation with medical specialist and diabetes expert Dr. Shahid Nadeem, write Yes in the comments now
The team wishes you
Helpless diabetic patients are the biggest attraction for the sugar mafia
Uncontrolled sugar of diabetic patients is the biggest profit for pharmaceutical companies
For doctors, laboratories, pharmaceutical companies, food companies, diabetic patients are like a hen that lays golden eggs
You will change medicines every month, get tests done but neither sugar will be controlled nor will you be saved from complications of sugar
Sugar does not make you cry, wrong treatment of sugar makes you cry
Sugar kills a person by making him humiliated and poor
Have mercy on yourself, change your diet instead of medicines, otherwise the sugar mafia will scratch you
Sugar is not a headache for life, sugar can be reversed with the help of diet
If the diet is right, then sugar is right!!
Your health is your own responsibility, don’t let it lead to a disability, a disabled person is a burden on the family and society. Take a step towards changing your diet, we will show you the way, Allah will give the result.
Sugar mafia tells the patient to take medicine for the rest of his life
Calls fruit juices and smoothies healthy food for you
Prevents eating eggs, is strongly against egg yolks
Tags high cholesterol on large meats and strictly prohibits eating them
Such people have zero nutritional knowledge
Write this down
Take as many medicines as you want, they will not correct the diet
Sugar, blood pressure, uric acid, cholesterol will not be controlled
Diet is the best healer
Heal yourself through diet
Our 90-day challenge provides the best nutritional guidance
Dispels misconceptions about your diet
Teaches you to control sugar without medicines and insulin through the best changes in diet and lifestyle